Uzarin gel 75 ml, medical product
Kompleksowa likwidacja obrzęków i siniaków
- Łagodzenie objawów urazów – stłuczeń, skręceń
- Łagodzenie podrażnień skóry po ukąszeniach owadów
- Łagodzenie podrażnień skóry po oparzeniach pierwszego stopnia

The medical product Uzarin gel 75 ml is intended for topical use on
unbroken skin to relieve symptoms associated with injuries –
bruises or sprains, with swelling, redness,
bloody run (bruise). Uzarin gel 75 ml also soothes irritations
skin after first degree burns and insect bites.
The main operation of the medical product Uzarin gel 75 ml is based on the physics –
chemical properties of aluminum acetate tartrate. Additionally, the presence of lifts
arnica and marigold have a positive effect on the condition and appearance of the skin.
Usage method:
Contraindications for use:
• Allergic to the ingredients of the preparation.
• Do not use on wounds and damaged skin with tissue disruption.
• Do not use in children under 3 years of age.